“The grass is always greener on the other side,” or so they say.
We always want more. People with straight hair want curly hair so they buy permanent texturizers to accomplish that. People with curly hair want straight hair, so they use permanent relaxers to alter the chemical structure of their hair. Is it possible to just be happy with what we have?
It’s both a gift and a curse to want more, to seek more, to know more, to do more. The very thing that motivates us to better ourselves is the thing that destroys us deep inside. A person can have everything he/she needs to succeed; to survive; and still feels unhappy. But the grass is NOT greener on the other side. We have to water and nurture our own grass to make it greener. We need to learn to appreciate the things we have, the effort we put in to getting what we have, and our ability to keep moving forward. It isn’t until we are capable of this that we will truly be happy. Once we learn that, then we will see that there is no “other side,” but in fact, it is ourselves standing in our own way. And once we conquer ourselves, nothing is intangible. So stop lying to yourself that it’s the world’s fault that you’re going through this state of unhappiness, that you did everything you could and you’re still failing. Stop feeling bad for yourself and just get out of your own way.
And if you still don’t feel like you have enough, keep watering your grass until it becomes the greenest in the neighborhood.
Be Mindful. Stay Curious.
In what ways do you find yourself standing in your own way?