I’m sure you’ve all heard tirelessly of the idea that “what you put out is what you get back.” Sounds like a cliché; but what if there’s real truth to that?
There’s more to this concept than just thinking positively. In order to receive positive vibes, you need to live a life full of positive habits.
1. Be Grateful…
From the moment you wake up be grateful for the new day. Each day we are granted another chance to do something good for ourselves or someone else. If you wake up and something negative hits you right away, like a headache or severe back pain for example, look forward to things getting better throughout the rest of the day. Even if you are unable to enjoy that moment due to feeling pain, be mindful of how you can change your current situation, and be thankful that you are given the rest of the day to make it better.
2. Be open…
Allow your mind and heart to be open to different things. Remember that what you perceive is not always the same as what others perceive. People’s perception vary based on their experiences in life. Your version of happiness, sadness, or frustration looks totally different to others. What you think is extremely important or urgent may be less important to others. Be open to that idea, and accept that everyone is not subjected to the same fate. When others state their opinions, don’t dismiss them, accept that they see things differently instead. When you are introduced to a new concept or adventure, humor it and see where it goes. If you don’t like the path it leads to, at least you know better for the future.
3. Be honest…
Be honest with others about your feelings and your needs. Be honest with yourself. Some of you are viewing the world through rose-colored lenses. Open your eyes and mind to the truth. Learn about all the facts before you make big decisions, and encourage others to do the same. Stop sugar-coating and start being assertive. Be clear about who you are, why you feel the way you do, and what you need from others without insults and judgment, and you will begin to reap positive benefits.
4. Stop feeling bad for yourself and do something about it…
No one will do it for you, and nothing will happen while you sit on your ass. Designate some time to sit with your feelings, cry, scream, and do whatever you need to do to get it out. Then get back up and try again. We all make mistakes in life, and we all will experience failures. What good are those experiences if we don’t learn how to move on from them? Live with no regrets because every experience is a lesson.
5. Be in the moment…
So many times we forget to appreciate life for what it is. We often dwell on things that happened in the past and worry about the uncertainty of the future. This only leaves us to re-experience old hurts, and anxiety of things to come. You will not obtain positivity this way. Instead you will be left with pain, despair, panic, and more complaints. And the more you complain, the more bitter you become — putting out only negative energy into the universe. Of course everything that happens from that point on will be negative because you refuse to see the bigger picture. If we would only live in the present moment, and only think about “what is happening now; what am I doing right now?,” we would not be working so hard in trying to find happiness. There would be less opportunities to “re-experience” old hurts, and we would be less worried about the future. Stop wasting your energy on things that have passed, and a future you cannot see. Focus on what is happening around you and within you right now, only. Try it.
6. Accept defeat…
Things don’t just “happen to” us, we make the choice to do things and we obtain consequences based on those decisions. Stop blaming others or nature for “doing things to you.” You did it to yourself! If you got soaked in the rain, guess what — you probably should’ve brought an umbrella, or at least watched the weather forecast. If you failed your mid-term exam, you probably should’ve taken the time to study for it. When people reflect on the things happening in their life and realize their contribution to it, they can actually make things better instead of complaining all the time.
7. Surround yourself with positive support…
One of the biggest factors in being happy is having strong social support. By surrounding yourself with people who think and behave positively, you will allow positive energy to flow in your direction. Being around others that beat themselves down all the time or talk negatively about others only causes you to do the same.
Positive decisions yield positive consequences. Negative decisions yield negative consequences. How are you radiating positive vibes in your life? Let me know in the comments below.
As always…be mindful, stay curious.